Seppo Guide
Game board size guidelines
Game board size guidelines
You can use one or several images (up to four) as your game board. They need to be in jpeg or png format. If your chosen gameboard is in pdf-, word-, ppt-, raw-, or any other form, save it as a jpeg or png form before uploading to Seppo. The ideal size of the game board is 1000 x 800px and 2MB. On mobile phones, a portrait layout works best.
Using 360° images as gameboards
There are five 360° pictures in Seppo for you to choose, but if you want to use your own pictures, here are two ways to get free 360° images:
Use search engines like Google to find an image. Input a search term “360 picture cc0” and do an image search. Remember to check that the use of the image is allowed. Often adding “cc0” to your search, the images are copyright-free, but it is still recommended to double check it.
Download an application for your mobile device that can produce 360° images. Good applications for this are for example Google Street View and FOV.
Good to know with both options: 360° images are often very large in size. See that the image meets the following criteria:
• The longest side is no more than 3000px,
• Optimal file size 4MB and
• The file format is .jpg.
Images can be easily edited in image editing programs such as Paint (Win) and Preview (Mac) or advanced programs like Photoshop or Gimp. Larger images than 2MB can be downloaded from the instructor’s side, but they may not open smoothly on the player side.