Seppo Guide
Co-editing games with multiple instructors
One game, multiple instructors
Games can have more than one instructor, which is helpful for creating the game together or handling larger game groups and evaluating tasks.
Instructors working on a game can edit it together, and any changes made are seen by all editors. However, it’s best to let only one person edit a specific task at a time. Changes to tasks, story, and rules are visible to other instructors after they’re saved.
How to add a new instructor to my game?
Each game instructor must have a valid Seppo account. To add instructors to the game, use the “Add people” setting. Once the game is shared, it will appear in the added instructors dashboard. Removing an instructor from the game only deletes the game from that instructor’s account.

We’re here to help! ❤️
If you wish to transfer an entire Seppo account’s games to a new user, please contact our customer support team and we will assist you in this process.
Adding a new instructor to your game:
Log in to your Seppo account.
Open your game in edit mode and select the "Add people" option from your upper right menu.
Select the “Instructors” tab from the right.
Add the Seppo account email of the instructor you wish to share your game to and select "Add".
The game is now shared with the other instructor and appears on their dashboard.