Seppo guide
In this article
Exploration mode
What is an Exploration mode?
If you want to add more depth and richness to your game’s player experience, you can try out the Exploration Mode. This feature can be activated in the game settings. The Exploration Mode lets your game have up to 10 levels and game boards. It’s a fun navigation system for the players when they move from one game board to the next. In this mode, the teacher creates “doors” and places them on the game boards. The players can use these doors to navigate between the game boards. Note that in this mode, the game boards cannot be determined to specific levels, and the game board type must be a static game board or a 360° game board.
How to enable Exploration mode?
Open game settings
Open game settings
In game settings, open the Advanced dropdown menu. Enable Exploration Mode. This will automatically enable levels as well, but you can choose to disable them if you want.
Remember to save your settings
After your settings have been saved, Seppo will automatically create doors between the game boards in a chronological order. For example, game board 1 has a door leading to game board 2, which in turn leads to game board 3. These doors are created automatically to ensure every game map is accessible for the players. The doors can be navigated both ways, so a player can also return from game board 2 into game board 1.
Viewing door connections and information icons
Game boards and door connections can be viewed by pressing the map button on the right middle of the game editor. Connections are shown as a line drawn between the game boards. On top of the game board images, information icons can be inspected. By hovering over them with a mouse, the game instructor can see information about the status of the game board in question. Here all the possible information icon texts:
No tasks on this board – Means that the game board doesn’t have any tasks currently. If a game board has no tasks, it won’t appear in the game at all.
The board is accessible with doors – Means that players can enter the board and exit it.
No doors leaving from this board – Means that the player cannot exit this board.
No doors entering this board – Means that players can exit this board but cannot access it through other game boards
This board has no door connections – Means that this board has no doors entering or exiting, thus players cannot access this game board.