ESG strategy communication doesn't have to be boring

Is it difficult to get employees onboard with your sustainability agenda?

Do employees understand what ESG really means for your company?

Seppo gamification platform makes it easy to turn your sustainability agenda into a game, turning obscure terms into concrete goals and practical actions. Seppo helps your company make planning a reality – in an easy and fun way.

Forget boring slideshows and PDFs.

We turn your company’s Environment, Social or Governance strategy into an impactuful and engaging game in four weeks time.

Benefits of Seppo for sustainability work

Increased Engagement

Seppo makes implementing change more engaging due to the game mechanics such as feedback, visible progress, and multisensory experience. Using Seppo you can activate employees to actively participate in the change initiative and increase their overall engagement.

Improved Learning and Retention

Seppo games can make learning and retaining new information easier. Gamification helps you break down complex concepts into smaller, more manageable pieces. It can also help employees apply their knowledge in practice better

More Efficiency and Effectiveness with Fewer Resources

Gamification is an effective way to replace boring slideshows and forsm of communication that are only one-way. It involves people in the change process and helps them understand what is expected of them.

Faster Adoption of New Processes

Using Seppo can help speed up the adoption of new processes by making the change management process more fun and interactive. This can reduce resistance to change and help employees embrace new ways of working faster.

Less Jargon, More Practicality

Seppo games help make difficult concepts more concrete. It's easy to talk about change at the top level, but making real change requires the whole work community to understand what is expected of them. Gamification is an effective way to communicate things in an interesting and concrete way.


Does your organisation need an effective way to promote DEI and discuss the importance of DEI in the workplace?


Order our free whitepaper


The biggest challenges of any change project are strategy implementation, keeping change controlled, and helping people adapt to change.

Our customers use Seppo for example in:

  • Sustainability communication
  • DEI work within the organization
  • Strategy implementation
  • Working on new values and introducing them
  • Staff surveys and reviewing staff surveys
  • At times of merger for team building and orientation

Seppo is cost-effective and easily scalable. Our services include also gamification consulting and turnkey projects.

Interested in hearing more about Seppo?

Contact us to discuss further your organisation’s needs and to see if Seppo is the perfect fit for you.