Recruit With A Game!

If adding gamification to recruitment process seems like a glued on addition, this post will give you something to think about. The benefits gamification can offer to this process have nothing glued on in them.
Corporate | Recruitment

Recruit With A Game!

Gamifying the recruiting process saves time and effort for the company and keeps up the applicants’ interest during the whole process

Recruitment processes take on average 22-24 days. That’s a long time both for the applicants and the hiring company. Gamification can help reduce these long processes significantly.

Automated application handling done better 

It’s not uncommon to automate the first phases of a recruitment process. Automated forms can filter out the candidates whose substance knowledge or skills won’t match the open position. This without the need for an HR department to go through piles and piles of applications. The problem with automated forms is that they are usually really boring, and can leave the applicants feeling more negative about the process and the company.

According to Talentlms survey, 78% of people say that gamification in the recruitment process would make a company seem more desirable. 

Adding a bit of interactivity, maybe a bit of creativity, and perhaps even a drop of playfulness to the forms makes this phase more positive for the applicants. It also takes away the pressure automated forms may create.

Gamification can even change the whole setup of applying for a job

What if instead of having applicants send in their application and cv, they would just log in to a game, where they’d both find out more about the company and job and complete small quests that measure the needed skills to qualify for the job?

What if HR didn’t have to touch any applications at all, but would get the best-qualified applicants’ game answers to be able to just call them all for interviews? In a recruitment game, it’s possible to gain a lot more information about the game participants, and the applicants, before you have to make any kind of decision on who to invite to an interview. Even part of the interviews can be dealt with inside the game, which saves a lot of time on both ends.

Micro tasks – small completable goals boost applicants’ confidence, and make the process fairer and transparent

Recruitment games can progress in many ways. In the initial phase, the game can filter out the right kind of candidates, and be more automated. But the game doesn’t have to end there.

The players can progress in the game even after the initial round, now receiving more information about the employees, the company culture, and the position they are applying to as a reward for their own efforts. This builds up trust and interest towards the company, but also already handles the first interview round, at least partly.

This approach also makes it possible for the applicants to know in real-time how they are doing. If they don’t qualify for the job on some level, they also get to know the reason why their journey ends. The process seems more fair, and every applicant gets feedback at the end of their journey through the game, either automatically or in the form of individualised feedback straight from the recruiter who at some point of the journey can start moderating the game.

Receiving feedback not only makes the ‘No’ seem less disappointing, but also helps the applicants see which skills they should concentrate on if they want to apply to similar roles in the future.

But clever companies can also boost applicants’ skills within the process, gaining a good reputation. With the gamified approach, the applicants will get more positive feedback even when they don’t make it till the end. Let me repeat that. It’s possible to give the applicants positive feedback, whether they even get to an interview or not.

Starting to see how gamification could turn around the recruiting game, and even affect the company’s image as an employer?

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