
Introduce your company to prospective applicants, receive applications, or test the skills of your selected applicants with a game and add engagement and joy to your recruitment process.

Gamified recruitment with Seppo – to make your recruitment a great success!

A successful recruitment process brings together the best employees and enterprises. And leaves the applicant with a positive recruitment experience.

You can create a positive first impression only once!

Benefits of Using Seppo in Recruitment

Reduced Time and Cost

Gamification can automate certain parts of the recruitment process, such as initial screening or assessment. This can help reduce time and costs associated with traditional recruitment methods. Recruiting with a game allows you for example to outsource initial steps - only qualified candidates get to the next level.

Positive Applicant Experience

Gamified recruitment is a two-way process, which makes it pleasant and positive for both parties. The process is more interactive. The applicant is made to feel that their time is appreciated. For example, real-time feedback in the game is possible. If an employee needs to choose between two jobs, they will probably choose the one where the recruitment was smooth and made a positive impression.

Enhanced Employer Brand

Each recruitment process is also company marketing. By incorporating gamification into recruitment, companies can showcase their innovative and creative approaches to hiring. They can stand out favorably and distinguish themselves from the competition. This can help enhance their employer brand and attract top talent.

Better Assessment of Candidate Skills

Games and simulations can provide a more accurate assessment of a candidate's skills and abilities, as they can simulate real-life situations and scenarios that are relevant to the role. You can test needed skills in various ways and let the best applicants show different sides of themselves.

Increased Engagement

Gamification can make the recruitment process more engaging and enjoyable for candidates, which can lead to higher participation rates and better outcomes. Gamification turns the recruiting process into a dialog between the applicant and the employer.

Improved Commitment to Workplace

Positive experiences for the applicant due to gamification will make your recruitment more successful. This may get the employee to commit to the workplace, meaning that they will not jump out as soon as they can or that they will even recommend their employer to others.

Make a game to introduce your company

Receive applications with a game

Test selected applicants' skills with a game

Design a game that simulates the job


Of people say that gamification in the recruitment process would make a company seem more desirable (2019 TalentLMS survey)

What do You Get When You Choose Seppo

Easy-To-Use Platform

The Seppo gamification platform is user-friendly and easy to use – even if you don’t have any prior experience with gamification. You can quickly and easily create your own recruitment game.

Comprehensive Support

We offer comprehensive support and resources to help you get the most out of our gamification platform.

From onboarding and training to ongoing support and optimisation – our team is here to help you every step of the way.

Customisable to Your Needs

As a do-it-yourself platform, Seppo allows you to make games that fit your company’s branding by adding your own materials into the games. You can customize your games as you see fit and there is also whitelabel available. This flexibility allows you to create a unique and engaging recruitment process that aligns with your company’s culture and values.

Pre-Configured Recruiting Game Template

Our recruitment game template helps you get started and make your recruiting processes easy and appealing.

Modify the template to suit your needs, or just page through for ideas, and then build your own game from scratch – you choose how you want to use Seppo.

All Seppo annual SaaS-licences include several pre-configured training game templates.

Scalable Solution

The Seppo platform is scalable and can be used to support recruitment efforts for companies of all sizes. Whether you’re hiring for a small startup or a large enterprise, our  platform can be customised to meet your needs and grow with your business.


Seppo gamification platform provides you with reporting on candidate performance, engagement, and completion rates, such as for example candidate’s time spent doing tasks and points achieved for each task.

This allows you to track the overall performance of your candidates and easily compare them to each other.

Multi-Channel Distribution

The Seppo platform allows you to distribute your recruitment games across multiple channels, such as your company website, social media, and email campaigns.

This ensures that your recruitment games reach a wide audience and maximise your chances of attracting top talent.

How Seppo Works


Choose Your Game Board

You can create a game to be played in any environment with Seppo platform. Choose a jpeg, png, gif, 360° image or a GPS map as your gameboard. Create a game with your computer. Players play with mobile devices in groups or by themselves.

Create the Tasks

Create game tasks from your materials. You can create videos, audio, and text straight in Seppo. Add pictures and links as additional content to your tasks. Players solve the tasks using mobile devices, leveraging multimedia possibilities. Seppo works on all educational levels, in cultural use, and in corporate training use.


Lead the Game

During the game, you can monitor the game, assess answers submitted by the players and give feedback in real-time. If you want, you can make feedback automatic. Earning points, working together, and seeing progress motivates the players.

Try for Free

Start a free 14-day trial and create your first Seppo game now! No credit card information is required.

Other solutions

Gamified change management

Change Management

Bring your people together after a merger or implement a new strategy or company values more effectively with a Seppo game. Any change management process can be boosted up with gamification to achieve better results.

gamified onboarding in a warehouse


Get your new employees acquainted with your organisation, their new team, and the important things they need to know in an engaging, fun, and effective way with Seppo.

Gamified corporate training

Corporate Training

Transform compliance training, product, safety, and skills training into more memorable, active, and effective learning experiences. With Seppo you can train your team independent of time and place.

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Book a demo

Do you want to hear more about Seppo and how you could benefit from it? We are happy to show you how Seppo works.