Seppo blog

Seppo blog is here to provide you with articles that can support you on your gamification journey.



Rise and Shine: The Best of Language Learning Meets Innovative Gamification Technology

6 Sep 2024

In an exciting collaboration that merges cutting-edge gamification technology with top-tier educational content, Seppo and Pearson English have launched the "Rise and Shine" games for Primary English learners. Rise and Shine is an English as a Second Language (ESL) book series that is used globally. This innovative program is designed to tackle the unique challenges of teaching diverse learner groups, including those with different abilities, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to excel in learning English.

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Gamification + Employee engagement

A Guide to Engaging Gen Z and Millennials at Work – With Gamification – part 2

6 Sep 2024

Struggling to retain Gen Z and Millennial employees? Outdated training may be the issue. In this part 2 of the blog, let's discuss why gamified solutions boost engagement and productivity, helping future-proof your workforce.

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Employee engagement + Gamification

A Guide to Engaging Gen Z and Millennials at Work – With Gamification – part 1

2 Sep 2024

Traditional training methods not cutting it for your younger employees? It's time to switch things up with gamification. This blog will guide you through the benefits of gamified training for Gen Z and Millennials and help you create a more dynamic and effective workplace.

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Five Benefits of using Gamification in DEI

27 Aug 2024

Incorporating gamification into Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategies can transform how organizations engage employees and drive meaningful change. Unlike traditional training methods that often lead to 'DEI fatigue,' gamification makes learning interactive and engaging. In this blog, we will explore five key benefits of using gamification to enhance your DEI efforts and create a more inclusive workplace.

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ESG + Sustainability

Can Your Business Afford to Ignore Sustainability?

16 May 2024

Ignoring sustainability may seem like a cost-saving measure for your business today. But it might just prove to be a costly mistake tomorrow. Let’s debunk some common myths, reveal the financial risks, and explore the benefits of embracing sustainability for your organisation.

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Gamification + Recruitment

3 Key Reasons To Switch to Gamified Recruitment in 2024

27 Mar 2024

Step into the future of hiring with gamified recruitment and onboarding. In 2024, it's not just about filling roles—it's about creating memorable experiences. Uncover why gamification is reshaping recruitment strategies, attracting top talent, and accelerating onboarding processes.

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Gamification + Change management

5 Stages of Strategy Implementation and How to Gamify Them

27 Feb 2024

Could strategy ever be fun? From planning to evaluating, explore how gamification turns every mundane stage of strategy implementation into a workplace adventure. Gamify every step of your strategy journey and boost engagement, foster collaboration, and achieve strategic success!

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Employee engagement + Learning games + Change management + Gamification

Play, Win, Adapt: Do Change Management Training Games Work?

17 Jan 2024

Organisational change is known to be painful. And its many challenges mean that most change initiatives end up being dead-on-arrival. But change management games can help change that, making your change initiatives more impactful and effective. Not to mention more fun! Let’s explore

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Pledges to Action: Tips for Gamifying Your ESG Training

12 Dec 2023

Turning those ESG commitments into long-term impact is not easy. Not when you have to engage a number of employees and drive company-wide behaviour change. But what if you could turn your ESG training into interactive games that skyrocket engagement and inspire lasting change? Let’s explore how.

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Exploring AI Image Generation for Seppo Game Board Illustrations

27 Nov 2023

As we continue our exploration in to the world of AI tools, this time we are taking a look at creating images with AI. In this article Zenga Nsuku, a designer who has worked with us creating game boards and other visual assets, dives into AI image generation. Read more!

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Gamification + ESG

Gamified DEI Training: A “Win-Win” for All

26 Oct 2023

Even if your organization embraces diversity, the hard truth is that ineffective DEI trainings might be holding you back. Here’s why we think gamification has the power to make your DEI trainings not only engaging but also highly effective, helping your employees pave the way for a truly diverse future of work.

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game design

How AI Tools Can Help With Creating a Game

11 Sep 2023

Artificial intelligence is making its way into our daily lives. At Seppo we also explore the opportunities that using AI tools offer and want to share our findings. So, if you are looking for inspiration for your leaning game, this article is definitely for you!

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Gamification + Learning games

Teacher as a game maker – Part 2

6 Sep 2023

What do the teachers think about Seppo and making games? What kind of Seppo games do teachers make? Seppo-themed master's thesis did some research on it! This two-part blog post opens up the research findings and lessons learned. Get ready for Part 2!

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Gamification + Learning games

Teacher as a game maker – Part 1

22 Aug 2023

What do the teachers think about Seppo and making games? What kind of Seppo games do teachers make? Seppo-themed master's thesis did some research on it! This two-part blog post opens up the research findings and lessons learned.

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Corporate + Safety training

Gamification in Safety Training

12 Jul 2023

In this blog post, we discuss the importance of digital safety training and the benefits of incorporating gamification. Read the article to find out how digital training equips individuals with knowledge to navigate risks, while gamification enhances engagement and retention.

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Change management + ESG

Why employees should be involved in the company’s sustainability work?

7 Jul 2023

In today's business landscape, sustainability has become an essential pillar of responsible business practices. Involving employees in sustainability initiatives is crucial for success. Could gamification help you bring strategies closer to the team?

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Change management + ESG

Are you building sustainability strategies or are you sustainable? – Gamification turns words into action

19 Jun 2023

In the context of corporate responsibility, you’ll often run into the acronym ESG. It stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. ESG is a framework that gives companies a way to understand and report on their environmental, social and governance transparency situation. Which teaches you more: a two-hour lecture or a 20-minute interactive game that throws you into the middle of everyday situations?

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Accessibility + Education + Corporate

Accessibility In Digital Learning Games – Why Is It Relevant?

17 May 2023

Many companies are discussing ESG right now. Inclusion, diversity, and accessibility play a big role in this as well. Taking accessibility into account can have a positive effect on your business or organisation in many ways. Read the blog to find out more about the importance of accessibility and how you can make your digital learning games more accessible and thus promote equality.

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Recruitment + Corporate

Recruit With A Game!

10 May 2023

If adding gamification to recruitment process seems like a glued on addition, this post will give you something to think about. The benefits gamification can offer to this process have nothing glued on in them.

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Gamification + onboarding

Gamified Onboarding – Best Practices

27 Apr 2023

Onboarding is a crucial part of the employee experience. It sets the foundations for the start of one's employment at an organization. Therefore, it is not at all insignificant, how you execute the onboarding plan of a new employee. If you are ready to do things differently, consider gamification.

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Gamification + Employee engagement

What Do Constructive Learning Theory & A Gamification Tool Have in Common?

2 Apr 2023

A lot of our users are teachers. Therefore, we thought it would be useful to connect different Seppo features with different pedagogical theories and frameworks to show you how indeed, Seppo has a place in the educational world. It is not just gamification for the sake of gamification.

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Employee engagement + Active Learning

Changing the Mindset to Active Learning

2 Apr 2023

Learning does not end after graduation from university. It continues throughout working life. Lifelong learning is of great importance, especially because many employees feel their studies didn’t prepare them enough for working life. Therefore, the importance of corporate training is growing.

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Gamification + Employee engagement

How To Use Gamification at Work To Engage and Motivate Employees

19 Mar 2023

Have you ever been participating in corporate training and had problems focusing - feeling rather bored and sleepy? Or have you been training employees yourself and noticed how hard it can be to keep people on board and motivated? Then gamification might be just what you’re looking for! Gamification helps to motivate and engage people. You want to find out how and why gamification has that effect. Then the following text will help you shed some light on that.

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Gamification + feedback + Learning games

How to Give Feedback in Learning Games? – Best Practices and Why Feedback Is Important

17 Mar 2023

In this article, our Head of Game Production, Santeri discusses the importance of giving feedback. Thinking about how and why you give feedback in learning games is an important aspect of the creation process - The way you give feedback has a major impact on the players' experience. Read more!

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Gamification + game design

Game Design – How to Design a Learning Game

15 Aug 2022

Gamification works and is here to stay. Thanks to new technologies, it can be done more easily than before and with a lower threshold. But how do you design a game? What should you take into consideration and where do you start?

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Successful Recruitment

28 Jun 2022

Recruitment is expensive and time-consuming. Surely you do not want all of that effort and money wasted, do you? In this article, we discuss how to achieve successful recruitment. So keep reading! Especially if you want to invest in recruitment, find the best employees, and get them to stay at their job for as long as possible.

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What Is Gamification? – Examples and How to Make the Most out of It

24 May 2022

Many think that gamification is just all fun and games, which is not really true. Gamification always aims at improving user engagement, experience, or to activate, depending a bit on the target. Fun can be one element added to this, but it should never be the main goal.

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Employee Onboarding – How to Do It Right?

28 Apr 2022

Imagine a situation, where your company is hiring many new employees at once, and next comes the onboarding process. You have reserved people to help with the new hires, but they run out of time to have an in-depth onboarding before the new staff has to get to work. The onboarding is not completed…

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Gamification + Agile Workplace

4 Reasons Gamification is at the Heart of Agile Workplace Learning

21 Jan 2022

How can organizations meet their business objectives and develop the competence and skills of their workforce in an efficient and motivating way is a key question many HR professionals are facing today. An answer may lie in combining the framework of agile learning with web-based gamification tools.

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