Education and NGOs

Seppo is an ideal tool for game-based learning. Whether you need it for a classroom or a museum - easily create lessons that combine creativity and collaboration.

Seppo Gamification Platform Allows You to Turn Your Lessons Into Learning Games

Developed by Finnish pedagogical experts to help educators create magical learning moments that make a positive impact every day.

How Does the Game Influence Learning?

It Motivates

Games strengthen the learner's self-efficacy and faith in his or her own abilities.

It Activates

You can't succeed in a game if you don't do anything; you only win by actively participating in the game.

It Directs Learning

A game's objective, story, and rules direct the players' actions. This way they have the freedom to decide where the game takes them. Yet, they're taking responsibility for their own learning.

It Embraces Creativity

Different kinds of tasks challenge to show your know-how. Tasks can require searching for new information, creative problem-solving, or using your imagination.

It Encourages Team Building

Collaboration is crucial in Seppo games. When learners solve tasks as a team, they can utilise the knowledge and strengths of individual team members to come up with solutions together.

It Allows to Learn From Failing

Games encourage to try out new things and to take risks. It's okay if you don't know how to do something straight away because failing and learning from it are a part of the game.

Pedagogical Tool for Teachers

Seppo Does Not Exclude the Teacher

During the game, the teacher is always supporting the learning process. They monitor the game, assess the answers and encourage the students to keep going. Real-time feedback motivates the students and gives them a new impetus to the game and learning.

Seppo is Adaptable

A good game challenges the players just right.

Tasks that are too easy are boring, whereas too difficult ones discourage the players. You can design the game in a way that enables every student to have a chance to win the game.

Benefits of Using Seppo in Education

Playful learning

Seppo is a game-based learning platform that promotes interactive and playful learning. The platform includes quizzes, puzzles, and challenges, catering to different learning styles.


Teaching with Games

We provide teachers with access to the Seppo community, where they can browse all the games that other users have created and shared. It is easy to copy and edit a game to fit one's specific needs. With our platform, teachers can create games without any coding knowledge, making them accessible to all.


Outdoor Learning

Our platform enables teachers to create games that take place outdoors, providing an opportunity for students to learn in the real world while having fun. These outdoor games promote teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.

Seppo for NGOs

gamification in museums and ngos

You can create gamified experiences to bring the museum collections to a wider public or to add a little extra to the visitor experience.

Gamifying different campaigns brings a new dimension to the usual way of bringing awareness to important issues. Therefore Seppo has been popular among NGOs.

Our users include schools, libraries, museums, NGOs, event organizers, and many more!

Book a demo

Do you want to hear more about Seppo and how you could benefit from it? We are happy to show you how Seppo works.


Real-time monitoring and feedback

Use a jpeg, png, gif, 360° image or a gps map as a game board

Online and offline modes

Easy-to-use tool designed for teachers, trainers and HR personnel

Private messages

Video, audio, picture and text answering options

Browser-based – app available for players

Works both outdoors and indoors – online and onsite

Many language options e.g. Arabic, English, Spanish and Finnish

Read What Others Say About Seppo

Seppo Turns Scouting Digital

The pandemic gave rise to the idea of using Seppo for scouting, allowing activities to continue remotely. Digitality in general is an emerging theme in Scouting. Read more!

Sponsored Seppo Games - Environmental Education

WWF Finland makes environmental education for schools more fun, versatile and easy to use with the help of Seppo and sponsored games.

Gamified Language Learning

Jussipekka Jyväsjärvi is a primary school teacher from Helsinki who has found a way to gamify language learning. Jussipekka has gamified the teaching of English and German by using the Seppo platform, which has enabled using gamification.

The Diverse Use Of Seppo Games

The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare has long emphasised whimsy and play in its materials in order to connect with children and youth. Over the past years, MLL has begun to offer mobile games in addition to its more conventional ones, such as board games. has served as MLL’s gaming platform.

Try for Free!

Start a free 14-day trial, and create your first Seppo game now! No credit card information is required.